Gym & Fitness Photography
We recently had the pleasure to work with some of our favourite clients. Long story short, we met the owners of Brickhouse Gym in Coorporoo at their 5 years in business celebration whilst they hired us to capture their event.
Several years later we are also photographing their beloved gym, clients and of course their awesome personal trainers and coaches.
This was photographed over a 2 hour period, with a small amount of. fitness photos and the main goal of capturing new headshots for the team.
We also captured some “Personality” photos. The idea of this was to get their professional photo but also bring their unique offering to the photoshoot.
If you’re looking at updating your staffs headshots a pro tip is to ensure your intentions of where the photos will be visible. If they’re for your website then make sure the styling, backdrop and branding is inline with your website.